Sparta’s utility services include water production, water distribution and sewer collection, wastewater treatment, and gas.

Water Quality

The City of Sparta provides yearly updates (called Consumer Confidence Reports) on the quality of your drinking water.

Report A Leak

to report issues throughout the City of Sparta.

Water Production

Completed in March of 2002, Sparta’s current water treatment facility draws water from Lake Sinclair, and has the ability to treat a maximum of 2 million gallons of water per day – providing clean, safe water to residents throughout Sparta and all of Hancock County.

The treatment facility is monitored 24/7/365 by skilled, state-licensed operators who ensure that all all water quality goals meet both state and federal guidelines.

Water Distribution and Sewer Collections

Water Distribution and Sewer Collections has been providing its customers with reliable, accurate and efficient services for over 50 years.

Water Distribution and Sewer Collections duties consist of but not limited to; collecting monies for services provided, addressing or correcting any concerns customers voice in a timely manner, keeping customers updated on any and all ordinance changes to water and sewer rates, providing safe water for consumption, maintaining and repairing water and sewer lines, and always aiming to provide excellent customer services.  

Wastewater Treatment

The City of Sparta has a slow rate land application system wastewater treatment facility. Residential and commercial wastewater is treated to Georgia Environmental Protection Division specifications and is applied to 200+ acres of coastal bermuda grass hay fields. Industrial users of the system are required to do pre-treatment before their wastewater is accepted.

The hay from these fields is given to local farmers for harvest. This is done on average six times per year.

The plant has two treatment ponds with a capacity of 5.2 million gallons where wastewater is aerated and storage ponds with approximately 15 million gallons capacity.

Fourteen lift stations placed throughout the system carry wastewater from customers to one central location where it is pumped to the wastewater plant.


The Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia is a joint-action, non-profit organization providing dependable and economical gas supplies and related services to its member municipal natural gas distribution systems.